Your Songwriting Coach

Chad Shank

Songwriting Instructor

Hey Songwriters!

I'm Chad Shank, and I want to help you write amazing songs that will help you reach your songwriting dreams. With over 30 years of experience in the music industry, I've had the privilege of writing thousands of songs and working with a variety of artists and songwriters in genres like pop, country, dance, and hip-hop.

In addition to running At-Home Songwriting, I also teach lyric writing with Berklee College of Music Online. I hold a Certificate in Songwriting from Berklee and a diploma in Audio Engineering from The Recording Workshop in Chillicothe, OH. My journey in the music industry includes over 7 years of experience in commercial radio and running my own independent record label.

For more than a decade, I've been sharing my expertise in songwriting through online courses and community education programs. I also served as the Education Director for the Minnesota Association of Songwriters, where I organized songwriting workshops, lectures, and seminars to help songwriters hone their craft.

In 2021, I launched my YouTube channel, At-Home Songwriting, where I share tips, insights, and tutorials on songwriting. I also lead monthly workshops with other songwriters, encouraging them to develop their skills and achieve their goals.

My songs have been licensed and featured on TV shows across networks like HBO, MTV, WE, Fox Business, and Discovery. I've released over 300 of my songs on platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube, reaching a global audience.

I'm passionate about helping you unlock your creative potential and achieve your dreams in the music industry. Let's write some amazing songs together!

The Power of Songwriting Coaching

Go from where you are to where you want to be.

Unlock the full potential of your songwriting with One on One Songwriting Coaching Sessions with Chad Shank, a seasoned songwriter and Berklee Online Lyric Instructor. These bespoke coaching sessions are designed to meet you exactly where you are in your songwriting journey, providing a personalized and transformative learning experience.

When you step into a session with Chad, you bring your unique skills, goals, questions, and ideas. Chad's approach is not one-size-fits-all; he tailors each session to address your specific needs, ensuring that every moment spent together is both relevant and impactful. Whether you're struggling with writer's block, looking to refine your lyrical content, or aiming to master new techniques, Chad will coach and challenge you, offering a rich array of processes, techniques, and tools drawn from his extensive experience.

One of the cornerstones of Chad's coaching philosophy is the concept of spaced practice. Unlike cramming, spaced practice involves spreading out your learning over time, allowing for better retention and deeper understanding of new concepts. This method is particularly effective in songwriting, where creativity and skill development benefit from regular, deliberate practice. By engaging in coaching sessions consistently over a period, you will notice significant improvements in your songwriting abilities. The gradual build-up of skills ensures that you not only learn but also internalize techniques, making them a natural part of your creative process.

Moreover, having a dedicated coach like Chad Shank can accelerate your learning in profound ways. A coach provides an external perspective, identifying your strengths and areas for improvement that you might overlook. Chad's feedback is constructive and insightful, helping you to refine your work with a critical yet encouraging eye. This personalized guidance keeps you on track, motivates you to push your boundaries, and ensures you stay focused on your songwriting goals.

Chad’s coaching sessions are not just about teaching; they are about fostering a collaborative environment where you can explore and expand your creative horizons. The interactive nature of one-on-one sessions means you can dive deep into specific topics, ask questions in real-time, and receive immediate feedback. This dynamic exchange of ideas and techniques is invaluable for growth, providing you with the clarity and confidence to experiment and evolve as a songwriter.

In addition to technical skills, Chad's coaching also focuses on nurturing your unique voice and artistic identity. Through tailored exercises and discussions, he helps you discover and hone what makes your songwriting distinctive. This personal growth is crucial for standing out in the music industry, where authenticity and originality are key.

Investing in one-on-one coaching with Chad Shank is a commitment to your craft and your future as a songwriter. It's an opportunity to receive mentorship from a professional who understands the intricacies of the songwriting process and can guide you through the challenges and triumphs of creating music. Whether you're just starting or looking to refine your existing skills, Chad's sessions offer a supportive and enriching environment that will empower you to achieve your songwriting aspirations.

Embark on this transformative journey and watch your songwriting flourish with Chad Shank’s expert guidance. Your songs will not only improve in quality but will also resonate more deeply with your audience, as you harness the full spectrum of your creative potential.

Course curriculum

    1. Schedule Your 1:1 Songwriting Coaching Sessions

    2. How to Prepare for Your Session

About this course

  • $100.00
  • Meet 1:1 Via Zoom for a 1-Hour Session
  • Get Expert Advice and Guidance on Your Songs
  • Learn the craft of writing better songs!

Discover your potential, starting today

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